
A simple, modular and flexible CMS.

Copyright © 2017 rkCSD Eu email@rkcsd.com. Visit our website: www.rkcsd.com


You'll need a webserver with PHP >= 5.3 and a mysql database.

  1. Place a release inside a directory on an apache-webserver.
  2. Import the DB.sql in your database
  3. Create a new config.ini inside the /config-Directory and edit the necessary values. You'll be up and running if you only edit the ones under the mysql section


Create an adminaccount

Insert a record for every user into the Users-Table. You'll need a hashed password here which you can get from the apps/WebAdmin/new-user.php-File, simply edit the file with your password and view the file in your browser. Then insert the hash.

You can enable or disable an account via the isActive-property.

So for example:

INSERT INTO `Users` (`LoginName`, `LoginPass`, `Realname`, `Emailadress`, `isActive`) VALUES
('admin', '$2y$10$txdbPmpNHbEi4CJFTRtDAeZ.F6QrGhdNtWkQcPfGp2Iizx8YbU4ym', 'Admin', 'your@email.com', 1);

Normally, there is a user called admin with the password admin - You should either delete the user or change its password!


To have the website designed the way you want it, simply edit the template file specified in template in the config.ini (usually content/tpl/main_template). The included main_template.tpl provides some examples on how to include other templates.

Add a new page

To to this, you need to insert a bunch of records. First, insert one into MetaData:

INSERT INTO `MetaData` (`idMetaData`, `Created`, `LastModified`, `Lang`, `Title`, `Header`, `Keywords`, `Descr`) 
VALUES (NULL, '2017-07-06 00:00:00', '2017-07-06 00:00:00', 'DE', 'Test', NULL, 'test, cms, stuff', 'descripption goes here...');

Note its new id.

Then insert a record into Content;

INSERT INTO `Content` (`idContent`, `Contentcol`, `MetaData_idMetaData`, `ContentGroups_idContentGroups`) 
VALUES (NULL, 'YourContent goes here...', '<the id from the record you previously inserted into MetaData>', '1');

Note its new id.

And the finally insert your route into Root2Leaves:

INSERT INTO `Root2Leaves` (`idRoot2Leaves`, `rURL`, `DisplayName`, `isRoot`, `isToplevel`, `Content_idContent`) 
VALUES (NULL, 'test_url', 'Testpage-Title', '0', '1', '<your contentid goes here>')
  • rURL is the Url of the new page. Without slash at the beginning.
  • DisplayName is used in the menu.
  • isRoot should only one row have true. Whenever the user accesses your site via /, it gets redirected to this page (only if rUrl of that page is not empty).
  • isToplevel defines if the Site is shown in the menu at top level or not.
  • Content_idContent is the id of the content record in Content

Directory Structure


Apps go in the /apps folder. Every app gets its own folder.


Configuration has its own directory under /config in order to be mountable into containers.


The /content folder is ment for all Templates/CSS/JS regarding the design of your website.

Other Extensions/Javascripts

Place all your extra extensions and javascripts under /extensions.

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